Alcoholism and Liver Disease in Men

Alcoholism and Liver Disease in Men While the condition of alcoholism and alcohol-related liver disease are both prevalent in men and women, men are considerably more vulnerable. In fact, a 2019 survey from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health concluded that nine million men in the United States alone admitted to having some level of alcohol-use disorder. Men are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, behave in an unhealthy manner, and avoid regular health checkups….

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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Prostate Health: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment Cancer is a disease process that affects almost anyone, yet some cancer types are specific to males, such as prostate cancer. Prostate cancer has a high prevalence in men. In fact, prostate cancer is the leading cancer diagnosis in men, accounting for more than 1 million cases annually (approximately 100,000 cases in the United States alone). Of the cancers that occur in males, prostate cancer has a 99% five-year survival…

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Mental Health Conditions in Men

Mental Health Conditions in Men Men may not be accurately represented by the statistics addressing male mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and suicide. The reason for this possible inaccuracy is that men are more likely to bottle up their emotions, avoid appointments with doctors, and underreport their medical symptoms. So, while the data may or may not suggest otherwise, it must be understood that men are highly prone to mental health issues such as depression…

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Injuries From Sports and Accidents Affecting Males

Injuries From Sports and Accidents Affecting Males Sports involve various physical demands and skills, from running and jumping to throwing, tackling, and kicking, among other physical requirements. In addition, extreme sports such as auto racing, skydiving, and bull riding are hazardous activities that place participants in significant danger. Some males tend to be enthusiasts for such dangerous, extreme sports. Due to the variable demands of any given sport, injuries are all but inevitable. Injuries can materialize in…

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The Prevalence of Heart Disease in Men

The Prevalence of Heart Disease in Men One of the most important conditions in men’s health is heart disease. Unfortunately, coronary artery disease affects an overwhelming number of men in our society, and it’s necessary to discuss this condition in more detail. While women have a high risk for heart disease, men are more likely to be diagnosed 7-10 years earlier than women. The reason for this statistic is most likely due to the following issues: Men…

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The Impact of Uncontrolled Diabetes in Men

The Impact of Uncontrolled Diabetes Diabetes is a complicated health condition affecting nearly 35 million individuals, and 88 million more are diagnosed with prediabetes in the United States alone. Unfortunately, it also happens to be the seventh leading cause of death in America, according to the American Diabetes Association. The impact of uncontrolled diabetes on the health of the human body can be detrimental. So it’s problematic that some individuals with diabetes are unwilling to properly manage…

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Prostate Health: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Prostate Health: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia The prostate is a small gland located right below the bladder. The function of the prostate is to produce seminal fluid, which is the fluid that provides nutrients and a means of transport for sperm. The prostate can be affected by specific medical issues as men age, and it’s imperative to be aware of their prevalence in men’s health. The prostate is the most commonly affected gland in the male body, prevailing…

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Osteoporosis In Men

Osteoporosis In Men Osteoporosis is a common health condition seen in both men and women, typically of an older age demographic. While the prevalence of such a condition is lower in men, osteoporosis persists to be a significant public health risk for men, in part due to the aging population. Even though osteoporosis is more commonly seen in women, it is a more significant risk to men regarding total mortality and morbidity rates. Osteoporosis is an important…

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Common Causes and Treatments for Hernias in Males

Common Causes and Treatments for Hernias in Males A highly prevalent medical issue in males, hernias can be a painful and uncomfortable health problem to experience. Yet, there are preventative measures and treatments available to manage the condition. Hernias should be evaluated and managed accordingly at an early stage to prevent increasing levels of pain and discomfort and possibly correct the problem before a complication arises. What follows will be a discussion of the medical condition of…

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Risk Factors and Survival Rates Associated with Lung Cancer In Men

Lung Cancer Risk Factors and Survival Rates Because men are more likely to smoke, drink, and avoid doctors’ visits, they are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer and other health-related conditions. As a result, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death amongst men and women alike. Fortunately, lung cancer is a disease that can mostly be prevented by having a healthy lifestyle. In addition, lung cancer can be treated and cured if diagnosed…

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